Naomh Olaf Loyalty Card

Our Naomh Ólaf Loyalty Card


Available to all adult members as part of your membership package.
Naomh Ólaf Loyalty Card
Naomh Ólaf Loyalty Card

Our Loyalty Card Programme started a few years ago, and has continued year-on-year. The Naomh Ólaf Loyalty Card provides members with discounts in the Club Bar, as well as discounts on food & functions at Sandyford House.

There is a €25 or €50 loyalty card fund added to Club Membership costs depending on whether it was a single or family membership.

Simply add funds to your card at the bar to avail of our discounts.

Please ask in the bar for details if you do not already have your card.

You need to claim the funds in the same year the membership is for, Therefore when you pay your membership this year you then need to show your membership receipt to the Bar Manager in the Clubhouse and they will add the appropriate funds to your card.

If you do not get the funds added to your card in the year of membership then they cannot be added the following year as the funds will have been accounted for.

As with any levies, any unclaimed loyalty card amounts will also lapse at 31st December each year.

You will need the email receipt from your membership and photo ID when you are asking to have the funds added to your card.


Loyalty Card Benefits
Naomh Ólaf Club Bar

5% Discount on ALL DRINKS @ the Naomh Ólaf Club Bar

In addition to our on field activities, the club has a vibrant social fabric, with a fantastic bar and function room facilities. We hope that through this loyalty card scheme we will see many more of our adult members visiting and participating in the clubs social activities.

10% Discount on Food & Functions @ Sandyford House

We have a fantastic sponsorship deal with Sandyford House Bar & Restaurant where members will receive a 10% discount on food purchases upon production of their Naomh Ólaf loyalty card.

You can also receive a 10% discount on any function (e.g. Birthday, Christening, Confirmation) you have there, to include food and room hire where applicable.

How do I get my loyalty card?
  • Pop into the club bar with your membership confirmation email, along with your own in date photo ID and the bar staff will provide you with your Naomh Ólaf loyalty card.
  • You will need to register your card with bonVito at  -- https://secure.bonvito.net/consumer/consumer.php/login?token=184833
  • Once you have registered your card with bonVito, pop back to the bar staff who will then apply €25 credit or €50 credit to your Naomh Ólaf loyalty card depending on the membership category.
Already have your loyalty card – How do I receive my credit?
  • Pop into the club bar with your membership confirmation email, along with your own in date photo ID and bar staff will then apply the correct funds related to your membership to your Naomh Ólaf loyalty card.



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