Welfare & Links

Welfare & Links

At the Centre of Our Community: 1981 - 2023. As per our Gaelic calendar an Samháin, it’s November and we remember bygone spirits and those from our families that have passed this year and those members that went before. Effective support and teamwork (Méitheal) on and off the field is the cornerstone of our GAA Association and the same applies for this Club now entering its 43rd year to continue to succeed especially now as we are reaching closer to 3,000 members.
For a wider picture of current and strategic Club updates, please take some time to read Looking Ahead To 2023. A Club Update Summary from the Executive. A look at what's happening in 2023 at the Club you're an integral part of.
If there is anything of interest to you to help improve your club, or you'd like to volunteer your time and thoughts to help improve any aspect of Naomh Ólaf GAA Club, please email the club secretary secretary.naomholaf.dublin@gaa.ie
For a review of the Club year of 2022, the plans ahead and updates on what's happening around our club on and off the pitches, please see our Club Chairperson's summary address to all Fellow Members and Volunteers for the November AGM.


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